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Work and life, are you over attached to work? With Guest Ryan V.
Today's episode of the Live the Sage Life, Lisa welcomes back Ryan VanHara. Today’s episode is all about work, what we learned growing up, the perspective shift on this overtime. What did we adopt about work that is...
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Integrative Healing with Guest: Beth Karpowic
Today's episode of the Live the Sage Life, Lisa welcomes a special guest to the show, Beth Karpowic. Lisa shares how she came to know Beth at a pivotal point in her life, right after she quit drinking. Listen as Beth...
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FEAR: How connecting with fear helps us grow!
Today's episode of the Live the Sage Life listen to Lisa share an inside sneak peek to the SAGE Inner Circle. What is the SAGE Inner Circle? This is a group coaching program that meets once per week, where Lisa shares...
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Attachments, over indulgence and perspective
Today's episode of the Live the Sage Life listen to Lisa share more on addiction, attachments and how it’s all parts of our life trying to wake us up to a new way of being. Addictions and how they are an over...
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Ready, set: Decisions and why Deciding is so important
Today's episode of the Live the Sage Life listen to Lisa and Guest today - Ryan VanHara, as they continue to share more inside their relationship. Today they are talking and discussing the topic of decisions. How...
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Lasting Relationships & more with Guest Ryan V.
Today's episode of the Live the Sage Life listen to Lisa and Guest today - Ryan VanHara, as they begin to share insight into their relationship. Having been together for 22+ years, 2 kids and 2 fur babies, they begin...
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INTRO to Lisa VanHara and what SAGE stands for
Today's episode of the Live the Sage Life is an intro conversation with Lisa VanHara. An introduction to who she is and why she started this podcast. It all began long before this first episode! Sharing with you...
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INTRO Part 2 - Meet Lisa V.
Today's episode of the Live the Sage Life is PART 2 of an intro conversation with Lisa VanHara. Lisa shares that she started to see patterns emerge in her life, which brought her to more seeking, more question asking....
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