After all your best efforts there is still something within you holding you back from truly reaching your goals. It sits there in the back seat of your life keeping you...
- Stuck in the same pattern, doing the same thing with no progress.
- Disconnected from yourself, watching life pass you by, feeling unfulfilled
- Worn out and running on low energy all the time with no sense of enjoyment for things you once loved
You have the power to claim your deepest desires and manifest them into existence --- I'll show you how.

Clarify your intent
Get very clear on your goals. What is it you really want? What are you trying to accomplish and why?

Create alignment
Get very clear on your goals. What is it you really want? What are you trying to accomplish and why?

Keep an open mind. Journal, meditate, and believe. Think about the "how" but don't become tied to it.
About Lisa VanHara
Founder of SAGE - Soulfully Align. Grow. Evolve.
For the past several years I’ve been on a self-development & healing journey where I was able to work and learn from top healers, travel the country diving deep into healing practices. Attending countless healing, meditation and mindset events with top coaches, healers and presenters, renowned for their work and more. All with the intention to learn for myself, yet bring back amazing information to share with my clients.
I am honored to meet you and excited to show you ways you can Align, Grow and Evolve into the life of your dreams. A life that feels amazing right into your soul.
Take your first steps with me. This journey will be the way for you to create a life you truly love.